Seagrass rugs - unrivalled strength.

Our Seagrass rugs have an unrivalled strength and natural stain resistance that makes them the most practical and versatile of our natural floor coverings.

Seagrass rugs from The Natural Rug Store are bespoke and prices are based on your rugs configuration.To design your own no-obligation Seagrass rug or runner please visit our Rug Builder or browse our collections below.

Seagrass Rug - Basketweave Seagrass - Basketweave Sage Cotton Herringbon Border from £146
Seagrass Rug - Basketweave Seagrass - Basketweave Suede Chocolate Border from £242
Seagrass Rug - Original Seagrass - Original Suede Delft & Cream Borders from £274
Seagrass Rug - Fine Herringbone Seagrass - Fine Herringbone Linen Twill Ecru Border from £129
Seagrass Rug - Herringbone Seagrass H'bone Cotton Chenille Otter Border from £129
Seagrass Rug - Original Seagrass - Original Suede Delft & Cream Borders from £274
Seagrass Rug - Herringbone Seagrass - Herringbone Linen Basketweave Camel Border & Graphite Piping from £166
Seagrass Rug - Original Seagrass - Original Linen Basketweave Midnight & Cream Borders from £160

Collections - Classic Collection

Seagrass Rug - Fine Seagrass - Fine Cotton Herringbone Espresso Border from £125
Seagrass Rug - Original Seagrass - Original Cotton Herringbone Cafe Border from £123
Seagrass Rug - Herringbone Seagrass - Herringbone Cotton Chenille Otter Border from £125
Seagrass Rug - Original Seagrass - Original Cotton Herringbone Camel Border from £123

View all Classic Collection

Collections - Trend Collection

Seagrass Rug - Herringbone Seagrass - Herringbone Linen Basketweave Camel Border from £129
Seagrass Rug - Basketweave Seagrass - Basketweave Cotton Chenille Otter Border from £146
Seagrass Rug - Herringbone Seagrass - Herringbone French Navy Herringbone Border from £129
Seagrass RUg - Original Seagrass - Original Suede Delft Border & Ivory Piping from £274

View all Trend Collection

Design your own - Seagrass Rug or Runner with the Rug Builder

Use the Rug Builder to design your own superior quality Seagrass rug or runner. Create and save as many rug designs as you wish, and when you're completely satisfied, buy securely online!

Create a Seagrass Rug or Runner using the Rug Builder

About - Seagrass

Seagrass is traditionally grown in the flooded paddy fields of rural China, and it is this region of the world that is known for producing the finest quality seagrass fibre.

As the name suggests, salt water plays an important role in the production of seagrass and there are several related species that grow naturally in shallow seas. Though not strictly a grass at all, seagrass has a distinctive hay-like scent that is mostly lost after it is harvested.

Seagrass rug fibre

The natural appeal of seagrass stems from its shades of beige, brown and green that are evident even after the fibres are spun into yarn. The Natural Rug Store uses a carefully chosen source of seagrass renowned for its quality and durability.

To compare Seagrass against our other natural materials please see our Suitability section.

INTEC Stain Protection Treatment for Seagrass Rugs

For peace of mind we offer INTEC stain protection treatment for Seagrass rugs. INTEC works by coating every fibre in a polymer shield, which reduces the impact of spills and watermarks. INTEC is environmentally friendly, completely safe and does not affect the colour or the texture of your rug. This option can be selected at the checkout for a small extra cost before paying.