

Every one of our materials has its own distinctly beautiful character but all satisfy our requirement for exceptional feel underfoot, durability and also ease of placement irrespective of your interior style.

The Natural Rug Store provides complimentary sample swatches for up to four rugs per order. Included are samples of the rug inner/weave and associated borders or piping. *additional samples are available upon request.

While our sample swatches do not reflect the overall quality of the finished crafted product our samples will help you match colours and allow you to feel some of the many different and wonderful textures available. *Please note that all finished Natural Rugs Store rugs will have some padding in the border and will be thicker than the border sample received.

Complimentary samples
Natural weave and border samples

You can order samples online easily. Find a rug you like from one of our materials ranges or collections, or design your own rug using The Rug Builder, and then click the 'order sample' button below your rug. You can do this until the maximum number of inner and border samples is reached.

Rug samples are dispatched quickly and will normally be with you 2-3 working days after placing your sample order.
